Friday, October 18, 2019

Measuring Employee Performance - Part II Assignment

Measuring Employee Performance - Part II - Assignment Example anwhile as a public health facility, I opine that some of the goals, particularly on communication could have been made to include the provision of communicative roles to external stakeholders such as customers. As Aguinis (2013) noted, any true performance outcome should have the ability of reflecting the overall organizational culture, which I believe includes customer satisfaction. I like your post for two major reasons. First, you rightly appreciate the need for job description to be made in line with the organization’s overall mission, vision, goals and strategies† (Aguinis, 2013). Then leading up from this, you went ahead to set five metric goals which contain performance outcomes for both internal work output and external wok output. For example internally, you appreciated the need to establish effective HR programs whiles externally, you touched on maintaining good customer service. In my opinion, this approach ensures that the new employee will not only focus on the most immediate performance related attitudes that will be seen at the workplace. Rather, the employee will see a bigger performance responsibility that includes external stakeholders and thus put in more efforts to

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