Monday, September 30, 2019

Diet plays an important role in dental health

Tissues of the oral cavity which include the teeth as well as the soft tissue known as the gums or the gingival have nutritional requirements in much the same way as the rest of the body. We often neglect this aspect, and our ignorance of certain very basic issues, may lead onto severe oral problems such as caries (Kumar & Clarke, 2002), which is a very painful condition, which may eventually require tooth extraction. In addition, there may be other gingival problems which lead to halitosis, making the patient a social outcast, and bleeding, which can result in anemia.Teeth may be affected by nutritional deficiencies, nutritional excesses, and also the absence of oral hygiene following any eating process (Gussy, 2006) . Scurvy is an important example of the first condition, while in heavily industrialized states the dental region is badly affected by repeated high calorie food, which is injurious to teeth, as well as the ill effects of diabetes. The diet affects not only the developm ent of caries, but is a significant contributor to development of periodontal disease (gum disease). Undernutrition and Oral HealthThe lack of specific nutrients in the diet (vitamin C, niacin, etc. ) produces characteristic oral manifestations, which are often diagnostic signs for their deficiency. A typical example is the presence of glossitis in typical B-vitamin deficiency, ( tongue is red and swollen which â€Å"burns†), with other features in that the taste of food has changed, with development of ulcers at the lip commisures and labial margins (angular cheilosis) (Kumar and Clarke, 2002, Gussy, 2006). A second typical example is that of vitamin C deficiency.Here petechiae (small, hemorrhaging red spots) are seen in the oral cavity, apart from easy bruisability in other areas of the party due to poor collagen. In addition, the gums bleed upon brushing or by examination by dental instrument (Bruno, 2006). Nutritional deficiencies as a cause for dental problems is not the only problem, that affects teeth. Oral lesions are common in women and children with HIV/AIDS and may decrease the overall quality of life in these patients because of pain, dry mouth, and difficulty in eating.With advent of new diseases like HIV (Gennaro, 2008), but post cancer radiation affects dental hygiene adversely also, by reducing the saliva production which is a reason for caries also (Scrimger, 2006) Nutritional excesses Sugar-containing foods and beverages promote dental caries which is even worse when fluoride is provided in reduced quantity (like non usage of fluoridated toothpaste). On the other hand these foods also promotes dental erosion by not allowing restoration of dental ph.The reason for this problem can be clearly defined by understanding what a dental plaque is. This is a sticky substance containing bacteria, present on the surface of teeth. Its presence can be minimised by regular brushing with fluoride containing toothpaste Gussy, 2006) Plaque bacteria pro duce acids by fermentation of sugars ( from the diet which we have consumed, hence the role of excess sugars), decreasing the pH at the tooth surface. The production of these acids dissolve minerals in the enamel (calcium and phosphorus) by a process called demineralization (Gussy, 2006).But these acids produced by bacteria in the mouth nearly completely neutralised by saliva, which allows the ph in this region to become more than the critical pH. This increase in pH causes a return of the dissolved calcium and phosphate back to the tooth enamel (remineralisation). Therefore foods or drinks containing carbohydrate give hardly any time for the process of remineralisation to occur (Gussy, 2006). However, even if 2-3 hours of time is available between carbohydrate meals, the reparative capacity of the teeth allows self repair.Some foods protect against caries. Milk and dairy products, especially cheese raises the pH values in the mouth. They are both rich in calcium and phosphate and p romote remineralisation. They are also rich in protein which buffers the acid produced. Their consumption allows an increase saliva production which increases the pH level in the mouth, and encourages remineralisation (American Dental Association). Fibre rich foods also increase the flow of saliva as does sugar-free chewing gum, helping to clean the surface of the tooth (American Dental Association).Fluoride is a known protectant against tooth decay. Fluoride makes the enamel surface of the tooth more resistant to acid; it also allows a reduction in the production of acids by bacteria in the mouth, which thereby hastens the remineralisation process (Gussy, 2006, Boggess, 2008). In summary, dental hygiene is affected by both nutritional excess, nutritional deficiencies as well as general ignorance. Most of these problems are easily preventable by proper knowledge.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Male vs female

Nowadays, management of an organization involving the male and female executives. So, gender is an issue that is often associated with managerial effectiveness in the organization setting. Therefore, to ensure the effectiveness of organization settings the male and female manager should know the role to be play. Moreover to be competent in the organization setting both of the male and female should have the characteristic that need in organization settings.Where both of the male and female should play the role as the monitor that they should consistently to survey the environment inside and outside the organization might be limited to information that is useful for organization setting. In playing the role of the speaker, they should give the important information to the organization. As the speaker ,they should act as the representative of the organization in giving information to the external people of the organization. Based on these roles, we can determine the performance of the both gender male and female in the organization setting.Furthermore, competency perspective limitation also can be seen through both of them implies a universal approach. Where they should not be bias or focus only on certain individual in the organization setting. Alternative combination of competency might be work Just as well as the way to measure the competency of the male and female in organization setting. In addition, assume their leadership is within the person. But, sometimes leadership is also relation with the followers . Not forgetting, competency refer to leadership performances.This should be bear on in mind for the both of them in the organization setting. According to the perspective that centered by gender, an individual will attribute with the different way. Based on their gender the previous research by Bet and Fitzgerald 1987,Henning and Jarring,1997,Olden 1985 said that female have the feminine leadership behavior which are trust and caring. Moreover, Eagle, Man ikin, Slinky 1992 also said where the male manager will use the masculine leadership that interested to authority the people under them.The difference of the gender can give the influence to how male and female attributes and their leadership style. Therefore, possible gender differences may also influence the roles played by male and female managers in the organization. Aback et al (1994) ported that female always easily to improve level in organization compared to the male manager. This is based due to the female is working more professional than male in playing their role as the manager and less involving emotional and intuition.Moreover the difference in working style for both male and female can be seen when female are more to the transformational leadership and the male are more to the transactional leadership. From the perspective of the role comparison male and female, there are no significant difference in all the role between male and female but as the role of inspired inn ovation. This is because male and female understand clearly their own role should be played by each of them in the organization setting. Male are more positive in attitude towards female in their interaction or communication.Male attitude is not influence by the number of how many times they had communication but the quality of the communication and interaction. In addition, there will be more explanation about the attitude that influence the performance of the male and female in organization setting in this research. The factor of this issues that who are more competent in the organization setting also ad been discuss in this research. Then, all the question that who are more competent? Who are better performance can be answered with the evidence to strength the point given. 2. CHARACTERISTICS AND ATTITUDES OF EMPLOYEES IN AN ORGANIZATION Employing either a man or woman should have a good character and attitude and excellent for improving productivity of an organization. Excellent worker hopes to enhance the quality of the work. Employees who have excellent not only skilled and expert in employment but also a noble character. Characteristics good employees and excellent as follows: 1) Confidently In committing some employment, confidence in the Job aspect is very important to ensure a consistent quality and high quality of employment.The confidently attitude can also convince others of the quality of work we do. If one is a manufacturer of a product, confident attitude is needed to convince other men, on the benefits of the products we produce and sell. Without a sense of confidence, an entrepreneur will not be able to build a good effort. Because if there is not a confident attitude in an employee, this will cause them to quickly feel hopeless and give up. 2) Smart in communication Communication is needed in making a decision.Leading organizations prefer to hire someone who has the skill and ability in communicating in a good and wise either by writing or sp eaking. Communication of inaccurate or inappropriate can cause many problems in a company. 3) Motivated A good employee never hesitates to take responsibility or a higher position. He is also willing to work outside working hours to meet the goal or to solve a problem, though working in the discussion is not one of constant work that is usually given. Therefore, highly motivated employee who is required to advance or the success of an organization. ) Able to work in teams A develop of organization must consist of employees that have can work as a team. Many companies consist of a team. Any company that effectively requires a team effort. Employers can contribute an ideal employee. 5) Ethical Work rules are made to be followed. There is a secret place of work should be kept. A good employee by company policy and inspire others to do the same. Attitudes of an employee in an organization as follows: 1) Honesty Honest work is painstaking work. It can produce something good with a sincer e heart. Besides that, a good employee is honest about his work.Self-criticism and be willing to accept feedback is important to be a good study. For example, a farm worker who works with wages from hand to mouth, but still work well to perform sincerely and sheer devotion to his Job is to make money for the needs of the family. 2) Genius or smart The employee an excellent and wise in use of the time and resources around him. It always uses the time of his life with the best and always improves himself either in attitudes, knowledge and skills or Job performance. Employees can make the right session in making a decision.This increases the productivity of an organization. 3) Active and Energetic Employees who have excellent have an excellent practice in safeguarding the physical health, mind and emotions. In charge of not only the physical health care nutritional quality but it is also always do exercise and get enough rest or sleep. Discretion in managing themselves and the tendency to do Just that beneficial activity makes him more disciplined, healthy, active and productive. 4) Hard work Hard work is the work we must have the nature of work or workaholic able to achieve he targets to be achieved.They can take advantage of the optimum time so sometimes it does not care about time, distance and the difficulties encountered. In their work vigorously and strive hard to achieve good results and maximum. The employee who wants to excel at work need to work hard. The entrepreneur also needs to work hard to promote products released. 5) Discipline and keep time Every boss likes to keep workers past, disciplined and meticulous. Period is money. Coming through to the officials, who did not need to take breaks, and leaving officials dilly earlier than usual adverse reputable.Competition teen males and females also occur frequently in the transaction forevermore an organization. Each party between male and female compete each other to prove that they are ahead in all as pects and have a level of competence that culminated in managing things. However, the issues of competent between men and women are note easily formulated and determine without evidence and legal studies and strong on performance between boys and girls. Evaluation to prove this issue is based on videoconferencing from a reliable source so that it does not rise to a bias in determining the contents of a decision.The female cannot say that they are more efficient in managing things, and so did the men. Generally,male and female each have their own expertise in managing any work. These are not denied when the success of in an organization is the result of hard work of male and female who are as the backbone to movement and development of an organization. Without the involvement of both the survival of an organization disable continue the operation. Labor between male and female is desirable and arguably the skills of both parties to be needed to complete the task and they are complemen tary to each other.Nowadays, household now has arisen a number of male and female shows more competence in performing tasks in an Organizational. In today large organization, as a women climb up the corporate leader, getting worse crisis. While the statistics vary slightly around the world this is consistent trend. At the lowest more than half of the worker in organization is female. At the higher level in organization, the number of woman small. At the CEO Level, worldwide there are only 3% to 4% who are women. The table below showed the statistic.This phenomenon is quite surprising because when he studied information broadly ascribes the overall success of the women have when placed in a position of leadership success is very high. It raises the question of when the analysis of the success they have in the range of functionality that is dominated by men. The study about this issue making for more than a decade at 2011 and 2012 for the overall effectiveness. Overall Effectiveness i n Leadership a) Different by Age To better understanding the differences between male and female it is instructive to look at overall effectiveness by age.For female as leader appears to change over time. As female and male begin their career there is very little perceived different. Men soon are perceived in an increasingly positive way and more effective than women. As women mature they are perceived in an increasingly positive way and more effecting than their male counterparts. At the age of 25 the efficient of male and female are no difference, starting from 26 and above until 40 years old the effective level of male increase and starting to slow after 40.But for woman, the effective level is starting to increase from the age 40 and above. B) Different by level for overall leadership effectiveness by gender by position The sue about male and female who are really competent these days in organization settings have been answered and have results on the competent between both of t hem. According to Jack Zinger and Joseph Folkway (2012) article by Harvard business review based on the research stated that between male and female, advance more women than men on the competency of the organization as a whole.Survey for 360 evaluations is the Judgment of a leader's peers, bosses and direct report with asking these individuals to rate each leader's effectiveness overall and judge based on the 16 competencies overall. N fact at every level, more women were rated by their peers, their bosses, their direct reports, and their other associates as better overall leaders than their male counterparts and the higher the level, the wider that gap grow.The table below shown the overall level of competent between male and female by the gentlefolk (2011) c) Different by top competencies top leader between male and female Based on the Zinger Folkway (2011) state that as specifically, at all levels women rated are higher in full 12 of the 16 competencies that go into outstanding l eadership. The level of impotency between male and female are different in a small scale incremental for female compared to male. From the 16 competency there are two which is; take initiative and drives for result are scored the female tend to highest degree.The competent of male in the development strategy perspective are outscores female. The table below showed the 16 competency between male and female. The sources that getting from the gentlefolk (2011). Based on the table above clearly describe the difference between male and female on the level f competencies. From the 16 competencies, 14 of them are preceding by female. It confirms that women actually scored higher than male On 12 of the 16 competencies. Male scored higher in two competencies which is technical or professional expertise and development perspective. Each reader will have a several theory why this happens.The explanation about this outcome is many women live with that necessitates them getting things done in or der to survive. In Job settings, women feel that she need to work harder that male to prove them. Some expression from female in performing his work is â€Å"we feel that constant pressure to never make mistake and to continually rove our value in organization†. That is because, at least woman don't feel their performance are safe. They're afraid to rest on their laurels and feel satisfied. Besides that, they're feeling need to take initiative they are more highly motivate to take feedback to heart.Basically, those are fundamental behaviors that derive the success of every leader whether male or female. Female and Nurturing competencies The chart above demonstrate that these competencies. Those competencies highlight that women were seen more effective in getting thing done, being role models and delivering result. The skills describe leaders who take on difficult challenges, ensure that people act with integrity and who simply achieve challenge result. According to the dilem ma on June 2014 published the one article about â€Å"women in top Job are viewed as ‘better leader' than man†.Based on the new study, women in executive positions are perceived as better leaders than men. Basically, woman in business are too sensitive or not as competent can stop them from advancing through the so- called ‘slackening. But once women has breach the barrier, these qualities actually work in her favor according to a Duke University researcher. The research published in the Journal of applied psychology, found top women executives were credited with responsibility for their success. They were viewed as both more competent and more relationship-oriented than men.Because of these, it can lead them to be perceived as more effective leaders than their male counterparts. Lead researcher, Professor Lehigh Rosette said, ‘in business environment, even if women are through to be competent they are frequently through to be not nice. But on the higher run gs of the corporate ladder, competence and niceness may have a certain level of compatibility or woman top leaders. The second study also rated female as more relationship- oriented because they expected top women to involving in a more traditionally feminizes' type of leadership, an employee focused leadership style that is increasingly viewed effective.Professor Rosette (2014) said, ‘let's face it, women are often viewed as having to work twice as hard to get half as far and successful women executives may benefit from the perception, leading to a female leader advantage. Usually we always hear the business mantra â€Å"think leader, think male† this may Egan to fade as employees and other stakeholders more begin to value those leadership skills that focus on relationship and not Just traditional leader nature that are more in line with masculinity.Results of the study, the researchers pointed out and warned that women leaders should be aware that their behavior will be different at different levels within the company due to the success of women will change the impression when they move on the corporate ladder. What cause the difference between male and female? Why female are more perceives more effective, what are we frequently heard was, â€Å"in order to get the same recognition and rewards, I need to De twice as much, never make a mistake and constantly demonstrated my competence†. The short version of what we regularly heard from woman was that â€Å"we must perform twice as well to be through half as good). The result from â€Å"practicing Self Development†, the competency measure the extent to which people ask for feedback and make changes based on the feedback. We know most people begin their career perceived more motivated to ask for feedback and take action to improve. In the analysis age for male and female. Female at age 40 maintain the habit of asking for feedback and taking action to improve. The effectiveness of men on this competency continuous to decline as they age.Male assume that they are doing fine and don't really need much feedback. 4. 0 THE ISSUES OF GENDER AND THEIR PERFORMANCE BASED ON THE CURRENT ISSUE â€Å"Women are equally important role in the company†. That has being said this recently in an article released by the Tutu's Malaysia newspaper dated November 21 , 2013. Article also discusses about the problem of gender differences in the marketability of an organization, whether private sector or public sector. According to the article, It affirms the role of women in the public and private sectors should be noted comparable male servants in order to improve an organization from all angles.Minister of Women, Family and Community Development Dates Romania Abdul Karri said the matter as women nowadays qualified great responsibility on par with the skills and experience of male employees. She added, the government is also implementing efforts to promote government-linked comp anies to appoint at least 30 per cent of female employees in the highest position and promote at least one woman on the board until 2016. Government also provides incentives to encourage provide more opportunities for staff women to advance, including tax breaks for companies as well as the provision of training and consultation. Public and private sectors are also required to eliminate gender disparities in terms of experience, competence, nations and cultures to eliminate any form of discrimination,† he said when opening the Forum of Women in Rural normal 2013, here today. Add Spiritual ministry also held a Director of women's programs that provide guidance on training curriculum including technical and soft skills to enhance the ability of women to come leaders of caliber. This year, he said, a total of 645 women attended the program, while the total 790 women signed up for the course. At the same time, 83 women have been appointed directors of public companies during the y ear,† he said. In the meantime, she urged local employers do not catch quota determined by the government to achieve the target percentage of women appointed to the board of directors. Instead, he said the appointment should be given priority to quality and competent staff who are able to assume responsibility. â€Å"Quota provided the only dude, but more importantly how far a company which entitles them to higher office,† he said.Based on the article in Tutu's Malaysia newspapers, it is clear that women should take participant in the organization sector whether public or private sector. â€Å"The competency of woman implement the Job is the main criteria†. That's the title of an article released by Tutu's Malaysia newspapers dated 24 February 2010. Article discusses the influx of female employees in the public sector, particularly high-level positions. Eightieths Gung Congress Sustain Peckers-Peckers Dalai Participated Am (Spaces), Mad Shah Mood.Zinc yesterday e xpressed concern over the dominance of women in the public service is growing. Current trends show more women appointed to the post and decide which will have long-term implications for the development and growth of the country. The condition is due to the capabilities of the woman to pass the merit system for office than men. † The situation is to some extent cause an imbalance to the number of civil servants. And has raised fears him thus he suggested that something should be done to avoid any serious difference ratio between men and women in the future.Influx of female employees in the public sector, particularly for professional positions is due to their academic achievement. Thus, women are not to blame for the amount because they are also the most dominate placement in an institution of higher learning in the country than men, As a result of the lack of male staff in the public sector cause of personnel forced women do work outside the office, and it now appears differen t when women are able to perform a variety of tasks that were once dominated by men only. Based on the source of the author at his work place is also filled with women and our administrative duties.Based on the above article it is clear that women now dominate the public sector and also the position of the highest office previously is dominated by men. This occurs is due to increasing the performance of women as being more efficient when performing tasks. According to figures available, the average employee thinks the increase of women in the public sector is not alarming contrast to their efficiency and capacity to undertake the task is the key criteria that must be well on an employee regardless of male or female.What priority is given to he work of an employee should be able to perform the duties of other quality perfectly. This is because men and women, each has advantages and disadvantages and it is a matter that can't be disputed Development and economic growth over the past f our decades have also witnessed rapid progress not only contributed by the employment of men, but also involves the role and contribution of women. On-going efforts to create gender equality (gender) saw demand for female labor force shows significant improvement (Tutu's Namely Online, 2004). For example, the success of Tan Sir Dry.Katharine Aziza was appointed as the first female Governor of Bank Engage Malaysia (BAN) to prove the belief that women are capable of performing the essential duties if they are given the opportunity to do this. Besides that, there are many more women who are successful in their career such as Tune Dry. Sadomasochist. All, Dates Sere Raffish Aziza, Denationalization Small, Dates Dry. Amazon Ottoman,Dates Dry. Northeastward and Attachment Humid. This in turn saw the women were able to compete with the men, and to contribute to the development and progress of the country.As a whole, female are developing equally read with male. Women more mature and aware of all the turmoil within and outside the country since forever women are aware that their role will still be needed for advancement. Finally, the women are Just like men that have professionals in carrying out their duties, especially in the field of management, and other organizations. In addition, many women who have made their mark in the world. Currently many women have succeeded in exploring areas that have been dominated by men.Women were actively match the performance of the men and also worked as a good decision maker in the administration of the country or company. Therefore, the greatness of women do not doubt that the success that has been created. The increase of 14. 8 percent of women working in the professional field to prove that women are able to move forward in line with the men (Tutu's Borneo Online, 2013). It is clear that women are also capable of engaging in a professional line with men. The performance also proved that women also play an important role and con tribute to the development and progress of the country today.Other than that, the Tutu's Borneo also wrote that the statistical achievements of women in Malaysia is very insistent and good and covers a variety of fields, in education, the number of women is more than male students in session 2013/2014 amounting to 68. 02 percent from 41. 573 candidates. In addition, the success of women nowadays it's because women have a higher education than men and they also have the opportunity and independent to gain knowledge (ester's Actuate Eightieths Politic Actuate Minter Narrations Abraham).Conclusions, in this modern are not surprising that women are also can involve in the field more challenging. For example, fields of politics, engineering, mechanical, and other many field ventured by male. So, caused women eave a higher education resulted in an organization are more likely to choose a female employee over the male employee. Besides that, women are also having a good attitude and charac teristic of employee between men such as discipline and keep time, hard work, ethical, and others. 5. CONCLUSION There is an issue that who are more competent in the organization setting between the male and female. Therefore this issue had been discussing by given the factors and characteristic that contributes to the issue. Employing either a man or woman should have a good character and attitude and excellent for improving productivity of n organization. Excellent worker hopes to enhance the quality of the work. Employees who have excellent not only skilled and expert in employment but also a noble character. Where the characteristic is important and needed in the organization setting.These days the issues between men and women who are really competent in the organizational settings have raises various perspective and responses among them. The competent in the organization has created a lot of perception among the public either male or female. From the research and the previous r esearch also based on the statistic or any other provided evidence, we can include that female is more competent than male in organization setting. This is based on the factor influence in the aspect of attitude and the other factors such as communication, and their performance in organization setting.Besides that, women are also having a good attitude and characteristic of employee between men such as discipline and keep time, hard work, ethical, and others. Female are more active in playing their role in the organization setting compare to the male. This happen maybe because of female give more commitment in playing their role in their organization setting. This can be seen from the aspect of their passionate in encouraging others, sharing authority and information and also more interested in managing by using skills between interpersonal relationships.This including the role likes mentor, facilitator, inspired, innovation, monitor and coordinator. Moreover, female always try to p ut in others the feeling they are also the part of the organization starting from the performance decision making and to the strategies making. Thus, clearly that proven female is more interesting and hardworking in play their role to ensure the effectiveness of the organization setting. In addition male should be more hardworking and more focus in understand and play the role in organization. Furthermore, this issue can help to inspired male to increase their performance in organization setting.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Customer Service Change at Wal-Mart Research Paper

Customer Service Change at Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example While all the steps are fundamental in the realization of the desired outcome, the coalition step is critical to account for. This is because it forms the foundation on which all the other steps are undertaken. The coalition step is meant to identify key potential stakeholders that are highly likely to make the whole process a success. In this respect, the chosen coalition of persons, experts, professionals, and stakeholders must be as powerful as possible in order to move the process towards the desired results (Ilozor, Peter,&Graham, 2012). Wal-Mart has a strong customer base and clientele. The coalition chosen for change purposes along this line must be in a position to understand the diversity and dynamism of this customer base and clientele (Rieley& Clarkson, 2001). The idea is to understand company trends in terms of performance, relative to the expectations of the industries it serves across the globe. For this purpose, the Wal-Mart’s coalition for change cannot be short of having evaluative skills in terms of understanding the environment that the company operates in all over the world. On the other hand, the focus of change in customer service is to enhance the company’s mode of handling its clientele or customer base.Therefore, a competitive team must be installed in the department chosen to handle change in customer service. On the same note, the coalition aspect of change management by Wal-Mart is to have a team that works together towards a common goal.This cannot be short of customer expectations.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Alternative Dispute Resolution Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Alternative Dispute Resolution - Case Study Example This method is most applicable when the parties involved in the conflict agree that a third party seek a solution. The method is almost similar to court adjudication. Arbitrator panel act as judges and offer a solution after listening to both parties. However, the decision may or may not be legally binding. World International Property Organization (WIPO) is one of the best arbitration companies. One case involved a publishing house that had a contractual agreement with a software development company. The publishing house was not fully satisfied with the service after one and a half years and therefore the two parties decided to have the dispute arbitrated. By use of a practicing judge as the sole arbitrator, the two parties presented their interest in case settlement and the arbitrator found a common ground of settlement. The two parties agreed to the arbitrator’s proposal and therefore consented to the settlement terms. The two parties finally went public with their newfound settlement and the case was solved (WIPO web). Mediation is one of the best alternative dispute resolution options. The mediator purposely assists the two parties to come up with their own solution to the dispute. A good example was a business dispute that was mediated by an Auckland lawyer and Maria Dew. The case involved a family business whereby civil issues arose due to personal interests in the family business. The son, wanted to buy the business from his parents but they declined the offer but the two parties continued to run the business together.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

English - reflection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

English - reflection - Essay Example An invention that makes its place in the lives of individuals does not get shunned out unless it is proved to have highly dangerous effects. Therefore, David Suzuki condemns the usage of technology without being sure about its safety and possible side effects. He gave the example of the usage of DDT that is used to eradicate mosquitoes from the environment. Its usage has caused such a diverse range of effects that never could have been predicted by the scientists, for example its concentration in different living things when transferred up in the food chain (biomagnifications), the accumulation of it in shell glands of the birds that causes the thinning of the egg shell, affects of oral contraceptives on women etc. He condemned the latest technologies by stating, â€Å"technological innovations have had detrimental side effects that eventually outweighed their benefits† (347). In his article, he proposed a wishful proposition of appointing certain number of people from the soc iety as representatives who can assess the benefits and cost of any technology before its common usage and decide if it is hazardous or not. The cost and benefit analysis should be done in an unbiased manner with the aim of judging its effects on all living things.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Masters Level - Project Management in Construction Essay

Masters Level - Project Management in Construction - Essay Example However, these ideas remained a distant reality given the technological challenges posed by such a project. Nonetheless speculation thrived on the issue especially throughout the sixties and the seventies. It became clear that the only viable method of bridging up Great Britain to mainland Europe was a tunnel under the sea. The idea seemed simple at first. The project required the boring of three distinct tunnels from one side of the English Channel to the other. Tunnelling or more specifically boring had been carried out extensively even before the Channel Tunnel project so technical expertise was available on the issue. One thing that was noticeable about the Channel Tunnel project upfront was the fact that boring had never been taken up on such a massive scale before this project. While the Channel Tunnel project can be seen as a major achievement in terms of technical progress, by any other measure, it has been seen as a pure project management failure. There is little doubt in anyone’s mind that the Channel Tunnel project was less than a Pyrrhic victory. The initial costing for the project was estimated at some  £3.5 billion but the eventual execution cost the project team some  £9 billion. There was little change in the overall scope of the project but there were myriad changes in the details of the project scope. It was decided initially that the Channel Tunnel would consist of a 32 mile (51.5 kilometres) tunnel under the sea to serve two railway links separately. These two main railway tracks under the sea would be supported by a smaller tunnel in the middle of these tunnels to service shuttle trains carrying vehicles. Once construction commenced, it became apparent that air conditioning was more of a necessity than an auxiliary for the projec t. One of the more troubling aspects of the Channel Tunnel project was the involvement of the governmental machinery

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Saudi Arabia Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words

Saudi Arabia - Research Paper Example As Prophet Mohammad was responsible for converting members of all communities into Islamic faith, the constitution of Saudi Arabia has been the Holy Koran. The Islamic law, called Shari’a guides the country. The King is bound by such laws, along with the advice of Ulema, the religious scholars. The status of women has improved, as compared to the same that was prevalent during the pre-Islamic period, in Arabian region. However, the same needs lot of further reforms, as the present laws are definitely against females. Incidentally, Saudi Arabia is the only country in the world, where women are not allowed to drive. The oil boom, starting from 1950-60 has brought prosperity and huge economic development to the nation, which is evident everywhere in the country, currently. Pre-Islamic history of Saudi Arabia Before the dawn of Islam and arrival of Prophet Mohammad, as messenger from God; the whole Arabian Peninsula was fragmented into different tribes, with no cohesion or authori ty. As there was total lack of any political organization or activity, in \the whole region; the moral authority of tribal chiefs ruled the day, which was decided by their personality and character. However, Yemen was an exception, as it had some sort of a political government. Due to lack of any government in the Arabia, the Justice was delivered, barely as per the wishes of injured victim, which most often resulted in harsh cruelty. Since no judges, police or other law enforcing agencies prevailed, the rule of justice was based on the feelings of revenge. Hence, the confederation of tribes played an important part to protect people from enemies, seeking such revenge. (Arabia Before Islam) No political authority The life in Arabia, during late sixth and early seventh century, A.D, just before the arrival of Prophet Mohammad, revolved mainly around war and other feuds among various tribes. As it is, the region is mostly covered by the Arabian Desert, which could not support life, as progressively, as is being done now. Therefore, war was seen as an instrument to reduce the population, while people enjoyed participating in such battles. They took it as an activity to kill their time, while war gave them the opportunity to show case their skills with bows, arrows, horsemanship and so on. The victory of the people in war would bring honor to the whole tribe. There were mainly two groups of Arabian population, at that time, called Hejaz and Bedouins. While people belonging to Hejaz section were settlers along the towns, Bedouins were nomadic tribes, which used to wander around, looking for their own prey. The sedentary population of Hejaz group always feared the nomads, as Bedouins were deemed to be the pirates of the desert, following their own anarchic traditions. The lack of any political authority, until the rise of Islam in the region was responsible for arrogance of the people. The command of any tribal leader and obedience to the same was mainly based on th e sharing of booty, during any battle. The obedience would vanish, once the sharing gets over, as the members would freely change their loyalty. Religions followed in pre-Islamic Arabia Various tribes followed different religious faiths. Most of the population was idol worshippers, as Kabba in Makkah had around 360 idols made from stone and wood. The tradition says that it

Monday, September 23, 2019

A short report of India's market for the UK Electrical Goods Trade Essay

A short report of India's market for the UK Electrical Goods Trade Association - Essay Example nomic performance prompted a change in the trade policy of the country; consequently, India introduced a new policy of deregulation, globalization, as well as privatization of its economy. India is a member of several multinational and regional trade organizations, which play a major role in her international trade. Some of these organizations include WTO, Asian-Pacific Economic Community (APEC), and the association of South-East Asia Nations (ASEAN) (Chan et al. 2006). In the past few years, the electronic industry in India has recorded high returns like never before. There are various factors, which have contributed to the demand of electronics in India. These factors include the improvement of the standards of living among the middle class in the country, and the fact that their disposable income has also increased considerably (Hill 2011). Moreover, the country has in the recent years taken some liberalization steps for instance reducing tariffs on imports, relaxing equity regulations as well as foreign exchange regulations, and last but not the list the banking policies have been refined to meet the needs of foreign and local market. The role of the Indian government cannot be ignored in boosting the electronic industry to where it is now (Banga 2006). More foreign investors have ventured in the electronic business in India following the increase in the demand for electronic in the country and the liberalization steps taken by the country has further created a conducive environment that is capable of sustaining an enduring high growth for the electronic industry. Several factors must be assessed prior to importing electronics to India. Before venturing into exporting electronic to India there is a need to carry out a PEST analysis to determine the factors that may affect an organization. The initials PEST is used to mean the social, economic, and Technological factors that might affect the business (Baruch & Budhwar 2006). Political environment: In the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The Impact of Discipline in the Behavior of Middle School Students Essay Example for Free

The Impact of Discipline in the Behavior of Middle School Students Essay Abstract: While the impact of discipline on middle school students can vary, it is important to investigate into practices and discipline strategies that have been proposed used and for middle school environments. It is becoming increasingly clear that problem behaviors need to be addressed not only by school staff but by the community. The following review outlines the fundamentals of middle school discipline, the strategies used and the effectiveness of each, as well as how to gauge effective methods. Middle school discipline has been a growing concern among school administration, families of the students and communities for over the past ten years. Many articles have stated that middle school students display the most aggressive behavior of all levels of education as well as having the highest bullying rate and discipline problems. Researchers agree that middle school is a breeding ground for negative behavior due to students desiring to find themselves and a place to fit in. Different methods have been implemented with varying results. Some experts have argued that many methods have not been given ample time frames in order to accurately depict success. However all relevant methods concern prevention, and in many cases intervention, when building a successful disciplinary system and improved behavior among students. Literature found on this subject is innumerable; the present review has two purposes: (a) review a sample of literature for its significance in understanding the discipline process as well as the effects it has on students and (b) reviewing and analyzing methods supported by the authors of said literature. The most prominent authors were George Sugai PhD., Robert H. Homer and Jeffrey Sprague; these authors contributed more several articles on disciplinary methods, some of which will be found in this review. The guidelines used when reviewing articles were if the methods of discipline discussed by the authors provided evidence, statistics and viability. The majority of the reviewed articles were found to be significant contributions for the implementation of disciplinary methods in middle school settings. When reviewing the chosen ten articles, the most commonly agreed theory was the need for improving upon the use of general solutions when dealing with negative behavior; such as, suspension and expulsion. The most significant articles explained the need for proactive programs to deter poor behavior as well as the inclusion of tested and approved methods. The following includes brief reviews of ten chosen articles from scholarly journals, the similarities found as well as opposing points of view and the conclusion of the most relevant findings. School-wide Approach to Discipline   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   When evaluating a middle school in terms of its discipline procedures and their effectiveness, many times the particular school will find the need for method when dealing with poor behavior. The authors of all the chosen articles agree that a general approach to discipline does not work.   In A Schoolwide Approach to Student Discipline (Homer, Sugai and Horner, 2000) the authors express the theory of â€Å"a culture of competence† which they explain the importance of being proactive where the school as a whole would foster positive behavior and the expectations of the students to act accordingly. In support of this method several studies such as the High Five Program were discussed, revealing the effectiveness of such programs. Two other theories are expressed, in order to â€Å"address the needs of students at risk of disruptive behavior† the authors suggest that the schools create rapid response methods to support these students and prevent future discipline problems. The third theory is to focus on the students with â€Å"high-intensity problem behaviors†. While I agree with the first two theories, I think it is poor practice to focus on the students with disciplinary problems; while they need support, singling out any student as a problem child could cause further damage. The authors’ goal in writing this article was to persuade readers of the necessity of school-wide methods, where all students and administration are involved in the creation of a safe learning environment. The most informative article was found in Impact journal, the authors of School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Investing in Student Success (Horner, Sugai and Vincent, 2005) were thorough in their research and supporting data. The authors report the increase of problem behaviors among students and the need for building a much needed positive social culture. An extension of the school-wide method the School-wide positive behavior support (SW-PBS) method â€Å"is an approach that begins with a school-wide prevention effort† which â€Å"adds intensive individualized support for those students with more extreme needs†. Building from the theory represented in Sungai and Horners first article, where the need to focus on problem students was expressed, this approach provides high risk students with outlets for intervention. The remainder if this program expresses preventative strategies. What was most informative were the â€Å"five core strategies† of the SW-PBS which include: a) focus on prevention b) teaching appropriate social behavior and skills c) acknowledging appropriate behavior d) Gathering and making use of data about student behavior as a guide for behavior support decisions, and finally, e) investing in the systems that support adults in their implementation of effective practices. This method is becoming prominent, â€Å"2900 schools across 34 states are now implementing or in the process of adopting SW-PBS†, primarily in elementary and middle schools. Translating Research into Effective Practice: The Effects of a Universal Staff and Student Intervention on Indicators of Discipline and School Safety (Sprague, Walker, Golly et al. 2001)The methods examined in this study involve â€Å"†¦a universal intervention package aimed at improving the safety and social behaviors of students in elementary and middle schools. Its goals were to assist schools to provide effective educational services, behavioral supports, and social-behavioral skills teaching to all students in the school†. Like most researchers of modern discipline methods, the authors agree that general and quick solutions have little to no effects on middle school student behavior. By using the Effective Behavioral Support (EBS) Model to evaluate the school’s â€Å"discipline and climate† researchers were able to compare and contrast â€Å"treatment† schools and comparison schools. A very thorough study was performed and the results were consistent with the authors’ objectives, making EBS a viable disciplinary model. A newer method being discussed among schools and education professionals is the family centered approach. Implementing Family-Centered Interventions within the Public Middle School: Linking Service Delivery to Change in Student Problem Behavior (Stormshack, Dishion, Light and Yasui, 2005), discussed the change in preventative discipline from a strictly school setting to a family-centered method. As the authors explain, â€Å"despite the clear link between behavior problems at home and at school, mental health service delivery does not usually cross these settings and provide integrative solutions to problem behaviors.† The authors blame lack of â€Å"appropriate interventions†, school staff being trained and operating on an â€Å"individual model of development and service delivery† and shifts in priorities because of public opinion and policy. This particular article is most sensible. These authors believe children’s’ behaviors displayed in school are representative of their home lifestyles. â€Å"Effective family management skills are critical for preventing the developmental difficulties associated with adolescent problem behaviors†. The authors make reference to several studies supportive of their argument for family-centered interventions. The design of the Family Resource Center by the authors was used in studies to provide support. The results reported were positive. James K. Luiselli, Robert F. Putnam and Michael Sunderland were also supporters of school wide intervention and prevention methods. They did however address one problem occurring with the implementation of school-wide practices. It was their opinion that â€Å"effective schoolwide discipline practices have been designed, but in most cases, intervention efficacy has been evaluated in the short term†. That is reasoning behind the report in Journal of Positive Behaviors; Longitudinal Evaluation of Behavior Support Intervention in a Public Middle School (2002). This short term evaluation presented a problem of accuracy in reporting the usefulness of a certain method. â€Å"This report describes a longitudinal (4-year) evaluation of a behavior support program implemented with the entire student population in a public middle school†. This study was unique in three ways: a) it provided a long term rather than short (usually one year) evaluation b) this study, unlike others reported had included the entire population of a middle school; which in this case was in western Massachusetts and possibly the most unique characteristic of this study, c) â€Å"the procedures developed over the four-year period were solely the product of the staff at the school. There were limits (bias) to this study, such as the primary population came from middle to upper-middle class families; a more valid approach would have been to have samples of students from all classes. However, the program created by the staff was successful as reported by the authors. The staff program entailed a reward system for students behaving by the rules and expectations.   While it would not be this reader’s personal choice of programs, it did work successfully for that particular middle school. Staff Challenges   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   What challenges does middle school staff face? The most commonly reported behavioral problem stems from bullying. Since the early 90s, schools have opened their eyes to the devastating effects of bullying. In a self-reported study, researched and reported by David W. McConville and Dewey G. Cornell, the researchers found that the link between aggressive attitudes and aggressive behavior were linked. Their research, found in the Journal of Emotional Behavior Disorders (2003) involved 403 middle school students of a suburban central Virginia school, and reporting via survey their personal â€Å"attitudes towards peer aggression†. Based on the students belief systems, students expressed what they though about bullying, what constitutes bullying and if they have ever fell victim to such students. While bullying is an enormous obstacle in learning institutions, especially middle school, this report was insignificant to the understanding of student aggression. To survey middle school students, who are at the peak of discovering their individuality and alliances with other students, is ludicrous, they can not be expected to answer truthfully for fear of being discovered by fellow students.  Ã‚   A more informative and useful report was found in the January 2006 issue of Middle School Journal. Bullying in Middle Schools: Prevention and Intervention is an in-depth look into the problems of bullying in middle schools. The authors believe that â€Å"school personnel must understand the scope of bullying in the United States as well as characteristics of bullies and victims†.     Both bullies and their victims are at risk of negative futures. The authors are in agreement that â€Å"†¦effective programs are comprehensive, targeting students, schools families and the community. With this theory the authors are combining all relative methods reviewed above. Building awareness, social skills and supportive intervention can improve student behaviors. This article was very informative and thorough in its research. One strategy found in the Middle School Journal relates to a method described in an article found in the Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, Volume 46. Four Pennsylvania teachers created a program to teach middle school students socialization skills and tolerance. With use of a popular, age appropriate novel, Crash, by Jerry Spinelli (1996, Random House), students engaged in an interactive learning experience. Students went beyond reading with role play, journal writing, â€Å"Readers Theatre† and several other activities to learn the moral of the story about the effects of bullying. The results were overwhelmingly positive. This study is relevant to a behavior support system, where staff is showing support to kids, giving them strength to stand up against bullying, while giving bullies an outlet and a way to stop problem behaviors. In theory, by creating â€Å"safe† classrooms, thus a safe school environment, the effects of bullying will decrease. The Middle School Journal depicted a similar anti-bully program, Bullybusters. The same strategy as using a novel, students are encouraged to participate in a play depicting the roles of students against bullying as well as demonstrating the effects of bullying. This too has excellent results. How Do We Know If It’s Working?   Regardless of the method used or the programs implemented, unless there is an accurate documenting process is which to base results on, the methods are useless. Long term school discipline needs to be in place for a positive change to occur; the only way of accomplishing this is to research, experiment and document. Most importantly a study or program use must be in place for more than one year to see accurate results. Using Office Discipline Referral Data for Decision Making about Student Behavior in Elementary and Middle Schools: An Empirical Evaluation of Validity (Irvin, Horner, Ingram, Todd, et al.2006) suggests strategies in which to evaluate the effectiveness of school-wide approach to student discipline. The authors believe that data-based decision making can be beneficial to the social climate of the school and behavior of the students. The authors present an â€Å"empirical study of the validity of one systematic approach to collecting and using such information†, including the information of student behavior when using intervention methods in a school-wide atmosphere. One may question the need for such an extensive report; however, because schools are in need of finding new methods to promote positive behavior and preventative disciplinary measures, it is in the school’s best interest to consider current and relevant studies on method effectiveness. The authors of Using Office Discipline†¦ used surveys and information contained in a â€Å"web-based computer application called SWIS which used for entering, organizing, managing, and reporting office discipline referral data, in order gather information of the effects of School Wide Disciplinary methods. The data provided was useful in determining whether to use a school-wide approach. The study was done locally and surveys can be misleading, the authors admit this, but for its basic purpose as a building block for further studies, it was informative. Terrance M. Scott and Susan B. Barrett suggest using the time spent as staff and student alike when engaged in disciplinary action as a source of evaluation. In Using Staff and Student Time Engaged in Disciplinary Procedures to Evaluate the Impact of School-Wide PBS (2004), the authors describe positive behavior support (PBS) as â€Å"the application of positive behavioral interventions and systems to achieve social change†. Tracking time and money spent on disciplinary actions is a useful technique in evaluating the effectiveness of a program, this is displayed in studies and statistical data provided by the authors; the results were, for the most part, positive, however the overall evaluation process is in itself time consuming. Conclusion The methods for middle school discipline are numerous, as research has shown, regardless of the method chosen, to have the best effect on the students a school must approach discipline as a school-wide process. After analyzing the above literature, it is clear that a disciplinary model must be used long-term and be followed with an appropriate evaluation. The most appropriate methods, in my opinion, were ones in which used interactive tools, such as a book or play, to engage students in positive behavior. It is clear that the old methods of general discipline have become obsolete. Communities, school staff and researchers have realized the need for a change in the school environment, especially middle schools, which are the highest rated institute for behavioral and disciplinary problems. References Barone, B., Kearns, J., Quinn, K., Stackhouse, S., Zimmerman, M., (2003). Using a Novel Unit to Help Understand and Prevent Bullying in Schools: Bullying Affects Most Children. Reading Activities Helped Middle School Students Become More Aware of This Serious Issue. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 46, 582+. Retrieved October 13, 2006 from Questia database. Boland, J., Horner, R., Ingram, K., Irvin, L., Sampson, N., Sugai, G., Todd, A., (2006). Using Office Discipline Referral Data for Decision Making about Student Behavior in Elementary and Middle Schools: An empirical Evaluation of Validity. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 8, 10+. Retrieved October 10, 2006 from Questia database. Homer, H., Horner, R., Sugai, G., (2000). A Schoolwide Approach to Student Discipline. School Administrator, 57, 20. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from Questia database. Horner, R., Sugai, G., Vincent, C., (2005). School-wide Positive Behavior Support: Investing in Student Success. Impact, Retrieved October 9, 2006 from Luiselli, J., Putnam, R., Sunderland, M., (2002). Longitudinal Evaluation of Behavioral Support Intervention in a Public Middle School. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 4, 182+. Retrieved October 13, 2006 from Questia database. McConville, D.W., Cornell, D., (2003). Aggressive Attitudes Predict Aggressive Behavior in Middle School Students. Journal of Emotional and Behavioral Disorders, 11, Iss. 3, 1. Retrieved October 10, 2006 from Questia database. Milson, A., Gallo, L., (2006) Bullying in Middle Schools: Prevention and Intervention. Middle School Journal, 37, 12-19. Retrieved October 12, 2006 from Scott, T., Barrett, S., (2004). Using Staff and Student Time Engaged in Disciplinary Procedures to Evaluate the Impact of School-Wide PBS. Journal of Positive Behavior Interventions, 6, 21+. Retrieved October 9, 2006 from Questia database. Sprague, J., Walker, H., Golly, A., White, K., Myers, D., Shannon, T., (2001). Translating Research into Effective Practice: The Effects of a Universal Staff and Student Intervention on Indicators of Discipline and School Safety. Education Treatment of Children, 24, 495+. Retrieved October 10, 2006 from Questia database. Stormshak, E., Dishion, T., Light, J., Yasui, M., (2005). Implementing Family-Centered Interventions Within the Public Middle School: Linking Service Delivery to Change in Student Problem Behavior. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 33, 723+. Retrieved October 15, 2006 from Questia database.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Instant Coffee Essay Example for Free

Instant Coffee Essay Everyone will not believe that coffee is the second people income in the world. There are 30 millions people who gain their income from growing coffee. As the article which had been read by Bob told that coffee has been grown by a lot of farmers in different countries. The type of coffee are Robusta, Arabica, and labarica . Usually, Robusta coffee use to make instant coffee. The first country which grows robusta coffee is Uganda and Indonesia is the second producer of this coffee. Generally, Indonesia is the fourth country which grows coffee in the world. The height of robusta coffee is below 6 meters .The next type coffee is Arabica. That is the coffee which Bob was drunk. It usually uses to make premium coffee. The height is between 600-2000 meters and the largest producer is Brazil, followed by Columbia and Kenya. The last is Labarica coffee. This coffee grows in few areas which has below 2000 high meters. It uses to make blended coffee. Based on the article there are also 3 style of coffee that is instant coffee, espresso coffee and brewed coffee. Brewed coffee is usually drunk by the European country. But, it was strange that U.K mostly choose instant coffee. Britannia supposes to choose espresso coffee while American chooses instant coffee. In Asian, Japan drink more brewed coffee. There is also institution which maintains market price of coffee, is called ICO who was made up by United Nations in 1963. They act as mediator between producing countries and consuming countries.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Hinduism and Buddhism

Hinduism and Buddhism Concepts of karma and dharma are central to both Hinduism and Buddhism, and each has its own concept of liberation-moksa for Hinduism and nirvana for Buddhism. Yet within both traditions there are many different understandings of these concepts. This essay has three sections. First compare two different Hindu interpretations of moksha. Then compare two different Buddhist understandings of nirvana. Finally, briefly compare and contrast the Hindu approaches with the Buddhist approaches. There are two major influential religions in Asia that are spreading quickly all over the world. They are Hinduism and Buddhism. There is a misconception that surrounds these two words, moksha and nirvana, they are not the same even though the two concepts may appear similar. In the following essay I will distinguish the different understandings and interpretations of these two concepts and then I will compare and contrast the differences and the similarities. The concept of moksha in Hinduism and the concept of nirvana in Buddhism are the central focus of these two religions. Both of these concepts have their different ways of achieving their goal and they have differences. I willwrite two different interpretations of moksha in Hinduism and the approaches of two philosophical schools that emerged to teach the approach of how moksa can be attained. I will do the same for nirvana in Buddhism, going into details of different understanding of this concept and I will conclude with analyz ing the similarities and contrasts of these concepts which are followed in the same street, just are located in opposing sidewalks. Moksa itself in Sanskrit language means release and its meaning is to be liberated from the cycles of sansara, reincarnation, and the pains and the suffering of karma by achieving immortality through eternal truth. Different Hindu philosophies schools emerged in India, each with the interpreting their own understanding of moksha. One of these philosophic schools was Vedanta which was divided in different sub schools with each of their own interpretations of moksha. One of those is Shankars Advaita Vedanta School where they perceive that moksha can be acquired only when the human soul realizes that it is one being with the Brahman. According to them, a person can only achieve moksha when he realizes the truth in himself that his soul is part of Brahman and Brahman is part of his soul, or atman as they name it, and once this dualistic approach has been acknowledged then the person has achieved his true form,he has been enlighten and has broken free from the cycle of reincarnation, sans ara. The only way a person can do this is by self effort. On the other hand, Ramanujas Vishishtadvaita Vedanta School promoted another approach to achieve moksha. They followed another direction which is worshipping the god Vishnu. Their theistic approach taught people that by recognizing the soul, matter, and God, anyone can obtain mokshaby an easier way which connects people on a personal level with the Supreme Being. Nirvana in Buddhism is understood as the end of suffering. There is not a clear definition of nirvana as it can be understood in many different ways but it is the highest spiritual achievement which dissolves pains, anger, greed, desire and all forms that create suffering. In Buddhism three major central schools emerged to teach the way of enlightenment, and those were Vajrayana, Mahayana, and Theravada but I will focus on the last two doctrines. Theravada doctrine emphasises on the understanding of nirvana can be reached when the person realises the true nature of reality and has an awakening of itself. These people are called arahants. This can be achieved through many lifetime spiritual persuasions of enlightenment where the person has broken off from the cycles of rebirth, and has became a Buddha, a bodhi which has the same meaning as nirvana, the enlighten. Mahayana doctrine on the other hand has developed another understanding of nirvana. They believe that Buddha is not just a human figure but a supreme being that we cannot even perceive of its greatness and helps us achieve nirvana. This means that we are still subject to delusion even though nirvana has been attained, instead bodhi has a higher rank in spiritual achievement and once bodhi has been attained, a person can become Buddha. In Hinduism the concept of reincarnation refers to an eternal element that travels from one life to another. This element takes different forms and shapes of different living things among its eternal life. This is the soul, or the atman as it is called in Hinduism. In contrast, Buddhism has the concept of rebirth which is the continuation of the state of mind in a different human being but not its soul since its explanation is that a lot spiritual events had to happen to create the second life form and yet not a different person due to the causality relation. Thus we can see the difference clearly of Nirvana where there is the realization accomplishment of the discontinuance of individuality and Moksha is the fulfillment acquisition of the truth of the affinity of your soul, atman, and Brahman. In both cases, individuality is lost but in different understanding and interpretations. Both religions have a lot of terminology and even names of deities in common, but in every single case, the meaning is actually different both believe in reincarnation/rebirth, but the interpretation is different; both believe in karma, but the interpretation is slightly different; both believe in samsara (the cycle of rebirth and suffering) and liberation from samsara (moksha/nirvana), but the interpretation is widely different, about liberation; both have yoga, tantra, dharma, mantra, and so on, but often mean different things with the words; the significance of gods or deities is grossly different in Hinduism several of them are important objects of veneration, even seen as emanations of the supreme God (Brahman), whereas they are never objects of veneration or prayer in Buddhism, only seen as deluded sentient beings who will finally die and be reborn in a new body like you and me. They strive for an inner peace, and finally to reach heaven through either moksha or nirvana.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Summary and Application of Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance :: Research Papers

A Summary and Application of Presence and Resistance: Postmodernism and Cultural Politics in Contemporary American Performance Here it is a book seen from the outside. A book is only a book when seen from the outside. Seen from the inside, a book is not a book, but a train ride at night - Michael Goulish In his book Presence and Resistance, Philip Auslander responds to the claims of many prominent cultural theorists that recent performance has been unable to engage in political critique. He argues contemporary performance can - and has - mounted a critique of postmodern politics. He holds up performance of the 1980’s as an example of politically critical (what he terms ‘’resistant’’) performance, claiming it carved a space for political critique by questioning, or reconstructing, the authority of the performer’s presence. He breaks his argument into two parts. First, he positions resistant performance of the 1980’s within postmodern mass media culture and identifies it as a response to the failure of the 1960’s avant-garde. Second, he examines the resistant strategies performers of the 1980’s employed to deconstruct presence and mount political critique. He focuses mainly on performers Laurie Anderson, Spalding Gray, and T he Wooster Group, and secondarily on comedians Andy Kauffman and Sandra Bernhard to illustrate his points. Part I will summarize Auslander’s argument, and Part II will use his insights to discuss Michael Goulish’s book, 39 Microlectures in Proximity of Performance, which gains relevance as a resistant text in light of Auslander’s analysis. Part I Auslander takes time to situate the performances of the 1980’s within the context of postmodern culture before launching his main argument on the strategies resistant performance employed. The ‘’mediatized,’’ information-saturated, environment of mass media culture, he argues, is paralyzing. Paralysis extends to the political sphere, where even the most vehement political critique is neutralized by the fact that one â€Å"must participate in the very activity that is being denounced... to denounce it’’ (Jameson qtd. Auslander 23). Auslander acknowledges mechanized culture’s impact on political critique but refuses to accept the conclusions of other major cultural/media theorists that a politically resistant performance aesthetic has not yet been developed, or that performers can only find a voice by rejecting mainstream culture altogether. Instead, he argues that performers of the 1980’s succeeded in critiquing postmodern cultural politics and did so, necessarily, from within mediatized postmodern culture. Auslander explains the significance of internal critique, arguing that resistant performance of the 1980’s grew from a rejection of the fringe approach of the 1960’s avant garde.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

CONTEMPORY MANAGEMENT Essay -- essays research papers

CONTEMPORY MANAGEMENT Examine the implications of globalization for Australian business and discuss whether Australia should become more integrated into the global economy Australia is an excellent object of study of globalization and its implications for business as its economic structure is at an unusual 'mid-way' point. New market opportunities, competitive threats and opportunities alike have been the key drivers of globalization since the 1980's. This essay analyzes a variety of topics to determine whether Australia should become more integrated into the global economy. Defining globalization and its major players is crucial to the argument. Petrella's definition of the main characteristics of contemporary globalization will be used as a framework to analyze and define the main changes that are a result of globalization. Through this process, the second part of the paper is devoted to analyzing the advantages and disadvantages for Australian business in becoming more integrated into the global economy. A conclusion can then be reached to confirm that the viability of Australia's integration into the global economy is not only advantageous but also a necessary progression. Globalization is defined by various academics depending on the viewpoint they take. Keenoy and Kelly however most broadly define globalization as . . . The expansion of international trade and production to the extent that most forms of economic activity are not only interlinked but also interdependent Globalization can also be defined through its characteristics. Petrella describes globalization as comprising of the following concepts: „h Internationalization of financial markets „h Internationalization of corporate strategies, in particular their commitment to competition as a source of wealth creation. „h Diffusion of technology and related R&D and knowledge worldwide „h Transformation of consumption patterns into cultured products with worldwide consumer markets „h Internationalization of the regulatory capabilities of national societies into a global political economic system. „h Diminished role of national governments in designing the rules for global governance The internationalization of financial markets is a direct result of globalization and vice versa. Four clear forces have contributed to this: market saturation, disintermediation, deregulation of financial mar... ... of contemporary globalization have been discussed. The internationalization of finances and trade into a global political system puts Australian firms in the vulnerable position of becoming exposed to environmental risks of the world. These factors also open infinite opportunities to Australian businesses. Trading on a global basis allows larger access to consumers, hence profits, and the internationalization of finances can be considered an economic strength, rather than a weakness. The internationalization of corporate strategies requires a change in the thinking of managers and their planning. Through the diffusion of technology and transformation of consumption patterns the commitment to wealth creation can be endless. The major players in the global market place have changed with shifts in power towards large organizations. There will be losers in a more competitive environment but the benefits for Australian firms are endless. Globalization of Australia as it becomes more integrated into the economy is already in progress, and has been for a long time. If Australian firms are to keep up they will have to become more integrated, this is not a choice, but rather a necessity.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Is Atheism a Religion Essay

Throughout the countless generations of our existence, we as a global community have pondered a variety of noteworthy enquiries. Most notably, the following come to the forefront. How did the universe come into existence? Does God exist? Does evil exist? What is the ultimate reality? The emergence of these thought provoking questions is something we as a society have become accustomed to debating. Rationally speaking, there simply cannot be one precise justification for these questions. Judging on the history of this heated topic, it is apparent that a variety of possibilities have arisen. The truth of the matter is that the nature of God and religion in itself can be perceived and interpreted through a broad array of individual beliefs. What one individual deems to be the ultimate reality can differ tremendously from another individual’s viewpoint. Ultimately, a person’s culture experiences, traditions, and beliefs all carry significant weight into their perceptions of God and religion. This in fact, is the ultimate reality. Fortunately for us, the use of religion alleviates some of the speculation as it gives us a firm basis of discussion for argument sake. To begin with, it is fundamental to interpret what is classified as religion. Religion has been globally renowned as a set of symbolic world views, theories of action and institutions that relate individuals and groups of individuals to that which they consider to be the ultimate reality. Judaism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism are all vivid examples of belief systems that are devotedly practiced worldwide. Although unique in their own respective way, all of these belief systems share the common ground of being classified as religions. Contrarily, Atheism (although it possesses the â€Å"ism†) is often disregarded as a religion due to a variety of reasons. Not only does majority of the public disregard Atheism as a religion, but also refuse to accept it as an ideology, philosophy, worldview, and belief system. Nonetheless, it is vital to construe that religion is merely one mode of reasoning to justify our existence in this intriguing universe. According to science, the universe came into existence from an â€Å"arbitrary pop† globally accepted as the Big Bang Theory. More specifically, the Big Bang Theory was a â€Å"theory of the creation of the universe first introduced by George Gamow in the 1940s where the universe started as very small, dense, and hot about 15 billion years ago and then expanded into our modern day universe and continues to expand today† (Gribbin, 1996). Prior to this colossal event, there was no matter. However, the purpose of this essay is not to favour one argument over another but rather to examine the nature of Atheism and reflect on both sides of the argument respectively. Firstly, with regards to Atheism not being classified as a religion, many Christians oppose this fact by stating Atheism can be classified as a religion. However, through a perspective of the majority who don’t, one simply cannot make this judgement with the full understanding of religion. The fact of the matter is that Atheism lacks every one of the essential characteristics of religion. Furthermore, with the use of various external resources, we can gather a better grasp of what religion is commonly referred to. This in return will enable us to elaborate on how Atheism contradicts Religion. According to one resource, â€Å"Religion can be the service and worship of God or the supernatural† (Wolf, 2010). By focusing solely on this definition, Atheism is without a doubt NOT a religion due to the fact that Atheism is commonly referred to as the doctrine or belief that there is no God. Furthermore, the United States Supreme Court claims that â€Å"religion is based on a belief in the existence of God and that religion is founded on different beliefs† (Hammar, 1991). This evidently contradicts Atheist viewpoints due to the fact that they believe in no supernatural being. Thus, it’s not possible to call Atheism a religion. It can most definitely be part of a religion, but it can’t be a religion by itself. These two factors are in entirely dissimilar categories. Atheism is the absence of one particular belief while religion is a complex web of traditions and beliefs. An analogy that can be directly correlated with calling Atheism a religion is stating that not collecting hockey cards could be classified as a hobby. As you can see, it is evident from the factors listed above that Atheism should not be classified as a religion. On the contrary, looking through the perspective of those who consider Atheism a religion, the following points do raise some speculation. To begin with, Atheists believe that a religion does not necessarily have to be comprised of worshipping a God. For example, as learned in class, there are religions which are classified as polytheistic (Hinduism, Mormonism), monotheistic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and non-theistic (Buddhism). As you can see, Buddhism is classified as a religion even though Buddhist’s do not worship a God. To put it into perspective, Atheist’s claim their religion is anti-theistic, but their Atheism is indeed religious. Moreover, Atheists possess their very own worldview which can be referred to as Materialism. â€Å"Materialism is a viewpoint that there is in fact only a material world† (Li, 2009). Atheists merely interpret information within the very slender worldview of materialism. An analogy that can be made here is that of an individual wearing dark sunglasses to influence others perception of the sun being out. Additionally, Atheists believe that their own orthodoxy (set of beliefs acceptable to a faith community) should be sufficient for their inclusion as a religion. The reason being, just as there are orthodox Christian beliefs, there is Atheist orthodoxy as well. This orthodoxy preaches that everything can be clarified as the product of inadvertent, undirected, meaningless evolution. The basis of Atheist orthodox lies on the fact that no truth claim is adequate if it cannot be subject to scientific scrutiny. In addition, as discussed in class, there were a variety of prophets for each respective religion. Atheists in their own right, have their own prophets as the likes of Nietzsche, Russell, Feuerbach, Lenin and Marx. Lastly, Atheists have faith. Although it often seems like the opposite, if one looks carefully at their writings, the revelation in their writings shows that they condemn faith. The fact of the matter is that the existence of God cannot be confirmed or disproven. In actuality, to deny the existence of God (Atheism) takes faith. An analogy that can be used to describe the correlation between Atheism and religion is that of â€Å"black† (which physicists define as the total absence of color) not being categorized as a color. Throughout the world, it is a norm for black to be considered a color disregarding the definition assigned by physicists. However, if black is considered a color then Atheism should most definitely be classified as a religion. In conclusion, looking at religion through a sense of morality, being religious can be looked at being passionate, zealous and scrupulous. We can confirm with sincerity that Atheist’s are in fact passionate, zealous and scrupulous towards their own respective beliefs. Ultimately, the variability in the definition of religion definitely has an impact on all the uncertainty surrounding Atheisms inclusion in the definition. Unlike our class, the definition of religion is broader in scope. By taking that into consideration, how can one with the utmost credibility confirm that Atheism is or is not a religion when there simply is not one precise definition of religion? The facts above depicted why Atheism can and cannot be classified as a religion. These facts lead to our next argument regarding Atheisms inclusion as an ideology. For this particular argument, the sole viewpoint will be of Atheism not being classified as an ideology due to a lack of facts for the opposed. The negligence towards Atheism being classified as an ideology originates from the fact that â€Å"An ideology is the body of ideas reflecting the social needs and aspirations of an individual, group, class, or culture† (Grobman, 1990). Simply put, it is the collection of myths and beliefs that guide an individual or group of people. Therefore Atheism is not an ideology due to the fact that it does not meet the most integral component of an ideology. This element is the provision of guidance which is directed towards a group of ideas or beliefs. Atheism in itself is the absence of belief in God. Moreover, it is not even a single belief, much less a body of beliefs. Secondly, Atheism offers no guidance or moral, social or political matters. Consequently, these so called â€Å"philosophers† of religion argue the fact that Atheism is not a religion or ideology BUT can be a part of both respectively. In addition to the all the contemplation regarding Atheism’s inclusion as a religion and ideology, it’s insertion as a possible philosophy has also been heavily scrutinized. The denial of Atheisms declaration as a philosophy will be illustrated below through the perspective of someone who believes Atheism is not a philosophy. An individual’s philosophy is their â€Å"system of principles for guidance in practical affairs† (Bronstein, 2008). Although Atheists have individual philosophy’s by which they live by, the fact of the matter is that Atheism simply does not contain a philosophy to live by collectively. The truth of the matter is that there is no precise defined philosophy that is common to all Atheists. Additionally, as mentioned above, a philosophy is also comprised of two crucial aspects like an ideology. For one, in order for something to be classified as philosophy, it must be a collection of beliefs that provide guidance to its respective believers. Likewise, Atheism is not a philosophy due to the same reason that it is not an ideology. Atheism is not even a single belief, much less a collaboration of interconnected beliefs. Once again, Atheism can most definitely be a part of a philosophy but not the philosophy itself. Atheists on the other hand, argue that their â€Å"religion† is indeed a philosophy. According to their intellect, there is no such religion with a philosophy that encloses so many truths and inspirations. Moreover, Atheism has the ability to prepare us to face life with its multitude of trials and tribulations. The fact of the matter is that Atheism is based on nature which is the very roots of life itself. In addition, they argue that their philosophy is without the additional embellishments and false garments like others. Simply put, there are no pretence’s attached to it due to the fact that Atheism rises above faith, and puts humanity upon one level plane. In the Atheist philosophy, there are no such things like â€Å"chosen people†. â€Å"There are no supplications, no prayers, no sacrificial redemptions, no divine revelations, no crusades, no massacres, no holy wars, no heaven, no hell, no purgatory, no Christ’s , no saviours, no devils, no ghosts, and no Gods† (Bronstein, 2008). Not only do Atheists claim that their religion is indeed a philosophy, but they strive to make aware the fact that it is a very spirited and courageous philosophy. Courageous in the sense that it is not frightened to confront the many dilemmas of life. Moreover, Atheism does an avid job of displaying that there are conflicts which yet remain to be solved. Although Atheism does not allege to have discovered all the answers to our existence, it does provide us with a sense of assurance by stating it has discovered and learned the appropriate approach. This approach enables us to strive for the ultimate truth by having the mindset that truth for truths sake is the highest ideal and ultimately, virtue is its own reward. Atheists articulate the fact that our passion and devotion should be directed to humanity and not a supernatural being because humanity is the higher supreme. An analogy that can be made here is that of we cannot help God, but we can help mankind. Hands that help are better far than lips that pray. According to their respective viewpoint, praying and worshipping to God is humiliating and degrading. A great quote that can be directly related to the philosophy of Atheism is that of the great Robert G. Ingersoll. He created the quote that states â€Å"Give me the storm and tempest of thought and action, rather than the dead calm of ignorance and faith. Banish me from Eden when you will, but first let me eat of the fruit of the tree of knowledge. † (Robert G. Ingersoll, N. A. ) Atheism can be considered as an independent philosophy that enables one to be intellectually free. Atheists also argue that their philosophy approaches â€Å"what is† rather than â€Å"what is said†. They forcefully believe that their philosophy teaches individuals that unless their full attention and devotion is not towards one particular goal, the level of successfulness of that goal can be tampered. An analogy that can be used here is that of â€Å"failing to prepare, is preparing to fail. † No such reliance upon prayers can alter that. We will now discuss whether or not Atheism should be considered a â€Å"world view† so to speak. It is commonly accepted that a worldview is a widespread origin or illustration of the universe and how humanity relates to it. Many theistic individuals argue that Atheism is not a world view due to the fact that it does not offer as any insight on the â€Å"ultimate reality† and its direct relation with us (humanity). Atheists on the other hand, argue that their â€Å"religion† is in indeed a world view. They are reasoning their assumption on the basis that although Atheism by itself does not offer any guidance on how to conceive the universe and humanities relation to it, it does however provide us with exclusion of other possibilities. More notably, those possibilities of origin centered around a supernatural being (God). Therefore, they claim that their worldview is universal in the sense that it excludes God as the origin of creation. Secondly, excluding certain types of world views as â€Å"potential options† can also be considered their world view. The existence of God is indeed a very heated topic merely for the fact that both sides present very strong and influential ideas that really provoke people to think. Disregarding the fact that this topic has been continually debated for centuries, it is inevitable that this topic will continue to grow as a basis of discussion. The fact of the matter is that no matter what day and age we will live in, the debate whether or not God exists will never cease to disappear. Interestingly enough, these debates have triggered a variety of so called â€Å"arguments† for the existence of God and the classification of religion. One of these so called arguments is that of Atheisms inclusion as a religion. The fact of the matter is that majority of the world’s population adamantly oppose this classification. From their perspective, Atheism is simply and completely an explicit denial of religion. Contrarily, we have individuals in this world who strongly argue that Atheism should be considered a religion just like Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism and other respective religions. Upon personal research along with the insight received from roughly twelve lectures in this very class, it appears as if the complexity in this matter lies not in what the people believe about Atheism, but in the definitions used when referring to â€Å"religion. † It is evident that we are witnessing somewhat of a transition from theism to atheism. However, I personally believe this does not justify Atheism’s categorization as a religion. I will stress that I am not against Atheism in any which form. I respect Atheists for their curiosity and willingness to explore what they believe is the ultimate reality. I am merely opposing Atheisms INCLUSION as a religion. In conclusion, it is neither my place nor right to preach my opinions on Atheisms inclusion or exclusion as a religion with the basis of influencing people’s perceptions. I will continue to practice my own religion (Sikhism) and keep MY opinions on the nature of God close to my heart. Like the rest of society, I too am baffled to explain why there is evil and suffering in ur world. I am sure even the most devoted Catholic, Muslim or even Christian has wondered why this is the case. Personally, I believe that my soul knows that there is indeed a God out there and these mysteries are not enough to sway me towards Atheism. Ultimately, everyone is entitled to their own opinions and beliefs of religion and God that it would be simply egotistical to justify on e concrete reason of our existence. However, I do advise every individual (whether Atheist or believer) to explore many avenues of our existence ranging from science to religion before reaching a conclusion.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Union group

Organizational Development (HARMER) and hence we are submitting it to you on due date and time. Hopefully, this report will meet your requirements and expectations. Should there be any queries, we are ready to clarify. Thank you for your concern. Yours Sincerely, On behalf of my Group, Karakul Hosing ID: 2011-2-10-343 Acknowledgement 1 OFF health to complete this report. Then we would like to thank our course instructor Sardinia Islam Khan, PhD for his relentless support, advice and guidance throughout the entire preparation of this assignment.The development of this term paper took several weeks and the contribution of many people. Without the support and help of our group members, we would have not been able to complete this study. Special thanks should be given to Mr.. Shabbier Susan from Union Group, who was our main source of information. We also would like to thank our family members for their support and understanding throughout the course of the completion of this assignment. They have always been there to help us and were the force that pushed us to go on.Executive Summary There are cultural differences in each organization. Culture differences make the organization exclusive. In this report we selected Union Group for our implementation of study. The main purpose of our report is diagnosed the union group and find out the problems they currently facing. After aware of the problem we analyze the way they can eradicate the problems. We tried to recommend some change that union group can implement to cope with their problem. In this research report we used diagnosis model like six box model and action research model.As it is a study which basically both exploratory and conclusive in nature. This study based primarily on secondary information. We made some question and ask the question to union group representative. Based on his answers and extensive search on internet we prepared our report. When we made the report we faced some DO (Organizational Develo pment) theories such as Backhand's theories, Burke's theories, Fresh's theories etc. For diagnosis we used Marvin Washboard's Six-box model. This six-box model tells practitioners where to look and what to look for our diagnosing organizational problems.In this six-box model there are six critical areas that is purposes, structure, rewards, helpful mechanisms, relationships and leadership. We use this model as a cognitive map, systematically examining. And the action research model is a roommate model for learning, or model for planned change. We choose some best question from our interviewed person and we deeply diagnosis the questions and analyze our findings. From the Organizational Diagnosis questions and answers in the former section, we conducted the preliminary diagnosis to find out the problems and possible ventures to enter for Union Group.Based on the answers received we used the Six Box Model as a diagnosis tool and Action Research Model. We made our recommendation based on Operas and Robertson model of organizational change. Chapter 1: Introduction Every organization is different from each other. One's culture does not match with other. An organization has its own structure, value, norms. The report is based on the various DO interventions and the panel interview. The name of the report is â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd†. So in our introduction we include topic, objective, methodology, scope and limitation.Below all the things are described. 1. 1 Background of the Study Successful human resource department makes it possible for the organization to acquire the number and types of people necessary to ensure the continued operation of the organization by practicing the HARM practices. Therefore, it acts as an important role in HER department. As a part of ABA program, our Human Resource Management course teacher Dry. Sardinia Islam Khan assigned us to prepare a report on â€Å"DO interventions for Union Group of Compan ies Ltd† as a related topic on Organization Development under the course Human Resource Management.The COOT of Union Group Ltd. , Shabbier Susan came to our class, gave a presentation and there was a panel interview that was also held. We asked him questions for required information in Union Group of Companies Ltd and he gave answers which helped to prepare the survey. 1. 2 Objective of the Study takes is organizational diagnosis. Organizational diagnosis can be considered as a special branch of organizational research leading to a set of statements about design options and recommendations for change.Primary objectives are the report aims to provide information on the HARM practices followed by a company named Union Group of Companies Ltd through HER department. Secondary Objectives: The report is strongly informed with how this company intervene HARM in their respective companies and how it helps them to get objective, reliable and relevant information. We will be able to kno w completely about the basic of a group of many. The process or the main HARM practices a group of company uses to make their place in the market will also be known to us by preparing this report.Most importantly, we will be able to understand the HARM practices properly. 1. 3 Scope of the Study There is a certain boundary to cover this report. Our particular report only covers the DO interventions for Union Group of Companies Ltd. We mainly focus on the main HARM practices of this company. We tried to gather information from Union Group's website. As the COOT of Union Group of Companies Ltd came in our University, we alike with him and collected information about the DO interventions of the company through sharing his experience.We have also gathered information through internet. 1. 4 Limitation of the Study There was a shortage of information because our guest Speaker didn't share everything about their organization. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and th e answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. The COOT, Shabbier Susan gave a presentation in our class and the answers of our questions were almost the only source of collecting data. 1. Company Profile With a huge workforce United group prides itself of its diversified conglomerate character.It ranges from Retail, Mobile phones, Textiles, Dyeing, Real Estate, Power & Energy, Tours and Travels and hospitality industry. The philosophy of the group is to nurture and promote good ideas and growth; to provide satisfaction to customers; to innovate and go beyond accepted standards of doing business. At GIG, we thrive in an extreme competing environment where challenge and hard work is rewarded. The strength of GU is in its core management principals. GU plans ahead with experienced foresightedness, strive to bring the planning into reality and in the process learn from its achievements and mistakes.It has grown gradually, excelling year by year. Over the yea rs, through its unified endeavor, it has been successful in slogan-?delivering the Best. And to fulfill the idea of delivering the best is has policies and procedures in place so that everyone knows what to do and how to perform to the best to their abilities. Chapter 2: Literature review 2. 1 DO THEORIES DO (Organizational Development) theories are define by different point of view by different scientist like: Backhand's theories